terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010

Divine Inspiration - Comedy Sitting Down...

I had a vision about 6 minutes ago... I was to become a stand up comedian... But 'd be paralyzed then...

So there I was at some bar, starting my very first show... Oddly enough, it was full of people... And my friends don't really get my jokes, so none of them was there!

So I start my show with the following statement - God!

I think there is a really awkward relationship between God and the Pope... You really have to believe that either God doesn't like the Pope, and wants him as far away from heaven as possible - prolonging his life - or he really doesn't like us other tossers!

Could there be any other interpretation, sure, but it wouldn't be as fun or depressing...

Besides, improbable things must be true... At least some of them.... I mean, there must really be a God, mustn't there? I mean... really must!

If you told anyone about ancient [greek] mythology, some giant called Atlas holding the world in place, they wold probably make fun of our ancestors for being such fools... ahnahm - anham xD

So now I look around... What do I find: amused or shocked faces?

quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

The doom of equality

Might there be any other goal as tainted by "failure" as equality?

To search for equality, you must bring yourself to control that which you cannot, restrain any liberty to achieve anything other, cripple everything in an most absurd manner... and even so, you would have only managed to spread disgrace!

An equalitarian society inevitably brings out the worst of social characteristics... It is linked with envy, for one who is thought as equal, is one to whom we can relate, and so, one whom we may envy!

If not for his circumstances, for his character, for his looks, for whatever the reason... There will be plenty to spare...

The truth is, we aren't born equal! We don't have the same "blood"! We don't have the same abilities and "innate qualities"!

It is our differences that make us grand! It is the sum of our experiences that make us human! And the closest to equality you will get is through the relationship between problems of humanity!

It is only in death that we find true equality!

Marketing "Talks"

segunda-feira, 3 de maio de 2010


Ai que prazer
Não cumprir um dever,
Ter um livro para ler
E não o fazer!
Ler é maçada,
Estudar é nada.
O sol doira
Sem literatura.

O rio corre, bem ou mal,
Sem edição original.
E a brisa, essa,
De tão naturalmente matinal,
Como tem tempo não tem pressa...

Livros são papéis pintados com tinta.
Estudar é uma coisa em que está indistinta
A distinção entre nada e coisa nenhuma.

Quanto é melhor, quando há bruma,
Esperar por D. Sebastião,
Quer venha ou não!

Grande é a poesia, a bondade e as danças...
Mas o melhor do mundo são as crianças,
Flores, música, o luar, e o sol, que peca
Só quando, em vez de criar, seca.

O mais do que isto
É Jesus Cristo,
Que não sabia nada de finanças
Nem consta que tivesse biblioteca...
Fernando Pessoa

Existem todas as possibilidade, a mais absoluta liberdade de escolha. Como em um livro, onde cada letra permanece para sempre na página, mas o que muda é a própria consciência que escolhe o que ler e o que deixar de lado.
Richard Bach

Tudo em nós está em nosso conceito do mundo; modificar o nosso conceito do mundo é modificar o mundo para nós, isto é, é modificar o mundo, pois ele nunca será, para nós, senão o que é para nós..
Fernando Pessoa

Quando, alguma vez, a liberdade irrompe numa alma humana , os deuses deixam de poder seja o que for contra esse homem.
Jean-Paul Sartre

sexta-feira, 16 de abril de 2010

Porn For The Blind

You can shape or mold it any way you want! LOL


Tactile Minds - Porn Book for Blind People (20 pics)

Tactile Minds - Porn Book for Blind People (20 pics)

A niche is filled. Hurray! XD

The son of God... LOL

The reason behind
Religious Arousal


Both men and women praise him; Is this why?

Climate Change & Seismic Activity

Sharon Begley (2006) explained how melting glaciers could trigger earthquakes and volcanos:

"One cubic meter of ice weighs just over a ton, and glaciers can be hundreds of meters thick. When they melt and the water runs off, it is literally a weight off Earth's crust. The crust and mantle therefore bounce back, immediately as well as over thousands of years. That 'isostatic rebound,' according to studies of prehistoric and recent earthquakes and volcanoes, can make the planet's seismic plates slip catastrophically."

Add the fact that earthquakes often occur in clusters - principles of chaos theory - and we might expect that, once again, centuries of positivist experiences might disappoint. U.S. Geological Surveys have, since the 1900's, recorded a yearly average of nearly 1.5 million earthquakes. Consequently their expectations seem to remain (despite the "slight" ongoing changes...) the same (much as the market experts, throughout the years... even when confronted with crisis); they expect about 18 major earthquakes (7.0-7.9) and one great earthquake (8.0 or higher) per year.

Let's see what happens...

quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

What better math - PASCAL BOWYER

  1. Human minds seek explanation
  2. Human hearts seek comfort
  3. Human society requires order
  4. Human intellect is illusion-prone

Mark Rowland

Professor de filosofia na Universidade de Miami
Autor conceituado do livro "O Filósofo e o Lobo"
& blogger (como qualquer curioso poderá constatar em) rowlands.philospot.com

No entanto devo dizer que estou algo menos do que impressionado com as abordagens do "senhor professor" ou o "senhor voga" da filosofia...

Intervim nos seguintes posts:
  • The Meaning of Life 3: Some Interim Remarks
  • The Meaning of Life 4: Tolstoy's 'My confession'
  • Running with the Pack
  • Vote for Steve!

sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2010

Karl Popper:

"A degeneração das escolas filosóficas é consequência da convicção errada de que podemos filosofar sem termos sido compelidos a filosofar por problemas exteriores à filosofia (...) Os problemas genuinamente filosóficos estão sempre enraizados fora da filosofia e morrem se estas raízes enfraquecerem (...) Estas raízes são facilmente esquecidas pelos filósofos que «estudam» filosofia em vez de serem forçados a entrar na filosofia pela pressão exercida por problemas não-filosóficos."

segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010

Antonio Coimbra Matos - entrevista ao jornal SOL

"A análise é uma coisa de colaboração, em que o analista colabora com o analisado."

"A religião é que se funda em textos. A ciência fundamenta-se na nossa observação e experiência. (...) o conhecimento é provisório e incerto."

"As sociedades clássicas são muito dogmáticas."

"A crença da ciência é... A crença no progresso. não é a crença no que existe, é a crença no que virá" - MUDANÇA!

segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2010


"You know whats scary about commitment? Your life becomes real...
Not a plan, not what you had hoped for - Real!"
- Passengers

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010

Whatever works

"Whatever love you can get and give
Whatever hapiness you can provide
Every temporary measure of grace...
Whatever works!!!"

quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2010

Meaning of life...

I find this to be one of the most useless philosophical questions of all times:

1 - Such an answer, to be as such described, would need to be consensual, and thus an "universal truth"
2 - Here would reside the first problem, there exist no "universal truths", since truth is a result of our interpretation of facts
3 - The fact being, that life merely "is"
4 - Such a fact - that life "is" - automatically urges man, due to his nature, to interpret meaning in "it"
5 - So... we would have as an end result, if you would like: man exists because he questions and "projects" onto the object of his/her questions, its meaning... and the object, even though intangible, if so be the case, exists, if not only in the manner that exerts some kind of influence on the person by it imagined, thought, or observed!
In other words, I quote Fernando Pessoa: ("Haja ou não deuses, deles somos servos.") Be there or be there not a God, we are all his servants.