"Ritual,superstition, religion - whether we're aware of it or not, all those factors contribute to what we think about when we buy. In fact, as the results of our brain-scan study would show, the most successful products are the ones that have the most in common with religion."*
"almost every leading religion has ten common pillars underlying its foundation: a sense of belonging, a clear vision, power over enemies, sensory appeal, storytelling, grandeur, evangelism, symbols, mystery, and rituals."*
All this gives psychology something new and vigorous... XD
So next time you go out to buy an apple...
Could it be you feel tempted, defiant... desire... LOL
If only Freud was alive :D LOL
* LINDSTROM, Martin - buy.ology. Random House Business Books, 2008. ISBN: 9781847940124
Não, não tem nada disso escrito.. Mas há coisas que se lêem no olhar, e ela não é adepta de sadomasoquismo xD